The #last60 Health Bet: Bet on YOURSELF

the key to ending 2023 with momentum


Imagine this: you wake up on New Years Day filled with momentum. Health is a habit you’ve already established instead of a resolution you hope will stick. The road ahead doesn’t feel overwhelming because you’re already on your way.

The LAST 60 is built on the belief that we can finish the last two months of the year stronger than we started it.

Let’s jump in together and reclaim the last 2 months of this year. Let’s choose to finish this year, better than we started it!


I don’t know about you but I was tired of heading into every New Year with the goals and motivation that I PUT OFF at the end of the previous year !!

So for the #last60 I decided to create what I needed: an epic online challenge with as many women that want the same.

The women who want to feel good in family Christmas photos and their New Year’s Eve dresses instead of WAITING for the magic of the New Year to motivate them into change!!!

I’ll provide the workouts, the meal plans, fun challenges, prizes AND the support… but you have to want it and show up for YOU

This isn’t free but for anyone who is ready to invest in themselves this is the BEST deal for fitness and nutrition HANDS DOWN. In order to join us you must be a current BODi subscriber and client or partner in our virtual fit club/ inspiration tribe team

I’ve seen massive success with it, but we also thought: what if we try something a little different? What if this year we break the Last 60 down into 2 x Health Bet challenges and put a little skin in the game! Enter, the Last 60 Health Bet (with two different health bets running November 1st to 30th and December 1st to December 22nd)


The health bet will run in our BODi app (a private app you can track with) as well as a private facebook group that you’ll have access to as a client or partner in our team!

Each weekend you’ll get a form to check in for the upcoming week, a challenge to rise to and a TON of encouragement. We’ll equip you with content and resources to stay engaged in our virtual fit club (the other resource you get beyond the tracking app). The best part? 

It’s only $10 and you can earn that and more back.

• Weekly encouragement and motivation to keep you on track

• Printable downloads, trackers and worksheets

• Resources to help you complete weekly growth-minded challenges

EACH WEEK you need to do your daily 4 non-negotiables plus send your progress pic to your partner and check in with our weekly form ! 3-4 weeks of these simple habits will fundamentally change your habits and transform your life. And 2 rounds of these time periods of intentionality will leave you heading into the holidays feeling INCREDIBLE!

These steps are how we make small, attainable actions add up to BIG results. We know that everyone is at a different stage of their journey – and that’s AH-MAZING! Find encouragement knowing that no matter where you are, there is a community committed to these things every day.


What’s your health worth to you? A health bet is a fun little experiment to find out what you’d do if you bet on yourself to make your health a priority!

While our health is the one thing that effects everything else in our lives, we tend to overlook it. If you’re guilty of stopping at a drive through, sitting at a desk all day or saying “next Monday I start!,” then let’s think about how this fun little commitment can help us push past !

Unlike other popular health/diet bets out there this Last 60 Health bet is set up so that your healthy habits are what qualifies you to win a share of the pot. With a lot of other apps the contests are basically a weight loss bet. We all know weight fluctuates due to silly things like sleep, digestion, time of day, and hormones. So it’s hardly to fair to base your success off one number. Plus, we want to focus on THE PROCESS… that’s what leads to the big results!

Is there a start date? How long is it?

The first health bet starts November 1st and runs for the month. The deadline to join is November 3rd, so don’t wait! The second health bet will kick off December 1 and finish up December 22nd! You can be in one or both depending on your goals!


The health bet is set up around creating healthy habits. So you’ll be tracking your movement, nutrition and mindset progress in a free App that is provided.

  • Join the LAST 60 challenge group using the BOD app or our FB group (message me or your partner to get your link)
  • Track your hard work each week:
    • Log 3o minutes of movement each day
    • Hit your water goal daily
    • Get your 4 servings of veggies in each day
    • Make a list of 3-5 different things you’re grateful for each day
    • Send your progress pictures each week to your partner
    • Fill out the weekly form to stay on track
  • Pay your $10 fee, and when you’re successful you’ll get that $10 back + share in the final cash pot!


I know how hard it can be to invest time and money into yourself, but healthy habits really do make everything easier throughout your life. So the idea of putting your money where your goals are (even just $10) for doing something GOOD for you is pretty darn cool.

While our health is the one thing that effects everything else in our lives, we tend to overlook it. If you’re guilty of stopping at a drive through, sitting at a desk all day or saying “next Monday I start!,” then this health bet will be perfect for you and a few friends this fall!

Another difference is that your healthy habits are what qualifies you to win a share of the pot vs a Diet Bet aka a weight loss bet. With diet bets we know weight can fluctuate due to silly things like sleep, digestion, time of day, and hormones. So it’s hardly fair to base your success off only one number.

We want simple habits because they are sustainable!

You just create a plan for 30 mins of movement each day (there are lots of plans and blocks in BODi), drink your water minimum for the day, eat your 4 servings of veggies and write your gratitude list. No crazy long workouts, no scary weigh-ins, no judgement. You can also plug into a community following the same plan you are for support, recipe ideas, and more!

If you’re not sure if you want some supplement help for the health bet, two of our most popular products are Shakeology or Energize and Recover (the performance pack), I highly suggest checking these out:

What is shakeology?

What is Energize and Recover?


If you complete your 4 tasks daily, fill out your check in forms weekly and send your progress picture each week you are a WINNER of the health bet!



The Mayo Clinic did a study and found that the completion rates for the incentive groups like the one we are starting next month were nearly 3x as high as those groups without incentives.  Participants of the group with a way to win money also lost 9.08 pounds compared to the other group losing only 2.34 pounds! Putting some dough in the pocket could help keep you leaner longer!

This contest is open to anyone in the US and Canada and UK! Cannot be working with another BODi partner

Published by Lindsay Fortney

Hi and thanks for stopping by!! I'm Lindsay ... boy mom of 2 💙💙, wife for 12 years, lover of animals, sports and a hot mess girl boss just trying to enjoy life one day at a time 💜🇨🇦 I aspire to be organized -- I have grand plans on this that are mainly stuck on my Pinterest boards😂 I'm a retired realtor, certified fitness and nutrition expert and on my own journey to a happier, healthier, simplified life 💕 A couple of years ago I was 5 years into the hustle and bustle of a demanding real estate career. I was tired, carrying around an extra 50lbs (mostly in my midsection) and didn't even have the energy to play with my little boys -- when I started cropping myself out of vacation photos I knew enough was enough 🚫 Bad food choices were my thing : I celebrated with it. I comforted myself with it. I was in and out of drive thrus and missing dinners with my family because I was on the road and suddenly each season I was going up a clothing size 😔 Enter home fitness ✅ My husband works shift, I worked crazy hours and had small kids and I couldn't (and didn't want to) go to a gym or group classes -- home workouts gave me the exercise I needed without sacrificing extra time away from my husband and boys. I learned to eat real foods in proper portions 💚 I started to see what my body and my energy levels were SUPPOSED to feel like !! A journey to changing my body completely had begun. Inches lost, dress sizes down, clearer skin, control over my cravings ... food has become fuel, exercise has become something my body now craves. My anxiety levels dropped massively. My moods levelled out. My patience and energy levels with my family picked up! I've been blessed to help SO MANY women in the past 3.5 years achieve this for themselves as well - confidence, empowerment, a fire inside them is reignited as I've helped them take back the power of their own health 🙌🏻💖 Thank you for reading this far -- sharing this journey, this new found passion... it makes my eyes light up when I talk about it (and sometimes I can't stop 😂) My time, my accountability groups, and guidance are always 100% free -- so reach out and let's get you back on a path to self confidence, positivity, passion and energy-- you deserve to feel like the best version of YOU

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